Technical Reports
No. 1 – Selecting catchments for the retrospective study of land-use and water quality, Bill Cotching and Ted Lefroy
No. 2 – Future developments in native vegetation condition research in Tasmania and Victoria, Prof Jann Williams
No. 3 – Site selection and methods for retrospective research into vegetation change in northern Victoria, Dave Duncan
No. 4 – Vegetation condition: background review for social research into vegetation change in north-eastern Victoria, Wendy Minato
No. 5 – Rural landholders adapting to climate change, Nicole Mazur, Allan Curtis, Rik Thwaites and Digby Race
No. 6 – Selecting catchments in Tasmania to study the targeting of nutrient & sediment management, Hamish Cresswell, Ted Lefroy
No. 7 – Incorporating dynamics and feedback into Bayesian modelling of natural resource systems, John Norton
No. 8 – Developing a non-market valuation survey of natural resource condition, Marit Kragt
No. 9 – A beginners guide to Bayesian network modelling for integrated catchment management, Marit Kragt
No. 10 – Detecting short-term change in the structure and composition of dry grassy forest, Libby Rumpff, David Duncan, Arn Tolsma
No. 11 – Management of riparian zones in Tasmanian agricultural catchments, Allan Curtis, Digby Race and Royce Sample
No. 12 – Towards an adaptive approach to vegetation and biodiversity management in the Goulburn Broken catchment, Libby Rumpff, Peter Vesk, David Duncan and Brendan Wintle