Technical Advisory Committee
Technical Advisory Committee. It consists of the Director, an independent chair, representatives of each project and other external experts as required. Its role is to:
- Review and evaluate the technical and scientific rigour of individual projects within Landscape Logic, including research plans and scientific publications, to ensure that the most appropriate research methods are used and that methods and results would withstand the scrutiny of the scientific community.
- Review and evaluate the progress of projects in relation to accepted plans and proposals.
- To meets in a seminar format with project representatives to conduct annual reviews.
- Provide a report and recommendations by the chair to the Management Committee and Advisory Board after each meeting on the outcomes of its reviews.
- Identify opportunities for collaboration with other research initiatives and institutions in Australia and internationally.
- Identify opportunities to communicate the research findings and outputs to the scientific community.
- Identify conferences, symposia, exchange programs and other training opportunities for early-career scientists in Landscape Logic.
- David Rissik
Chief Scientist,
Freshwater and Marine Sciences Division,
Queensland Environment Protection Agency