Management Committee
The Management Committee consists of the Director plus representatives of each project and some stakeholder groups. It meets face-to-face four times a year, otherwise monthly by telephone conference. Its role is to:
- Set strategic direction in consultation with the Advisory Board.
Management and reporting of research expenditure, financial reporting, and delivery of research outcomes. - Co-ordination of the research activities within Landscape Logic’s research program to ensure it functions as a single collaborative entity to achieve its contracted outcomes.
- Ensures that the individual projects within Landscape Logic are well-integrated and that a high degree of collaboration is maintained.
- Identifying collaborative opportunities.
- Co-ordinate and contribute to internal and external communication activities.
- Liaise with the six regional and seven research institutional partners.
- Co-ordination of reporting activities.
- Encourage uptake of Landscape Logic outcomes.
Prof. Ted Lefroy (Chair), University of Tasmania
Prof. Tony Norton, University of Tasmania, Leader Project 1
Prof. Allan Curtis, Charles Sturt University, Leader Project 2
Dr Graeme Newell, Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Leader Project 3
Dr Bill Cotching, University of Tasmania, Leader Project 4
Dr Hamish Cresswell, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Leader Project 5
Prof. Tony Jakeman, The Australian National University, Leader Project 6
Mr Geoff Park, North Central Catchment Management Authority, Victoria, Leader Project 7
Dr Simon Jones, RMIT University
Mr Greg Pinkard, Landscape Logic Knowledge Broker, Tasmania
Mr James McKee, NRM North, Tasmania