Refereed conference papers
- Lechner A, Jones SD, Bekessy SA (2007) Development of a framework to assess the impact of scale dependent factors on the classification of landcover maps, In Proceedings of the 5th International symposium on Spatial Data Quality ISSDQ 2007, Modelling qualities in space, ITC, Enschede, Netherlands.
- Miura N, Jones SD. (2008) Characterising the ecological structure of a dry eucalypt forest landscape. SilviLaser 2008; Edinburgh, UK. 17–19 September.
- Miura, N. and Jones, S.D., (2008) Characterising the ecological structure of a dry Eucalypt forest landscape. In: R.A. Hill, J. Rosette and J. Suárez (Editors), Proceedings of SilviLaser 2008: 8th international conference on LiDAR applications in forest assessment and inventory, Edinburgh, pp. 126-133.
MODSIM conference papers