Journal papers
- Bende-Michl and P.B. Hairsine. A systematic approach to choosing an automated nutrient analyser for river monitoring, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2010, DOI: 10.1039/b910156j []
- Broad S, Norton TW. Implications of globalisation in agriculture for natural resource management in Tasmania. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. In press 2008.
- Duncan DH & Dorrough J. (2009) Historical and current land use shape landscape restoration options in the Australian wheat and sheep farming zone. Landscape and Urban Planning. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2008.12.007.
- Lechner AM, Stein A, Jones SD, Ferwerda JG (2009) Remote sensing of small and linear features: Quantifying the effects of patch size and length, grid position and detectability on land cover mapping, Remote Sensing of Environment 113(10):2194-2204.
- Miura N, Jones SD (2010) (doi:10.1016/j.rse.2009.12.017) Characterizing forest ecological structure using airborne laser scanning, in Remote Sensing of Environment, Elsevier Inc., United States.
- Morton SR, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Lindenmayer DB, Harriss Olson M, Hughes MT, McCulloch MT, McIntyre S, Nix, HA, Prober SM, Saunders DA, Anderson, AN, Burgman MA, Lefroy EC, Lonsdale, WM, Lowe I, McMichael AJ, Parslow, JS, Steffen, W, Williams, JE, Woinarski, JCZ (2009) The Big Ecological Questions Inhibiting Effective Environmental Management in Australia. Austral Ecology 34, 1–9.
- Ticehurst J and Merritt W (in press) Using Bayesian Networks to improve understanding of survey data; A case study of adoption of conservation practices by landholder. Environmental Modelling and Software. (invited paper for special NRM edition).