Lefroy EC, Bailey K, Unwin G, Norton TW. (2008) Biodiversity: Integrating Conservation and Production. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood. ISBN: 9780643094581.
Book chapters
- Duncan DH, Wintle BA (2008) Towards adaptive management of native vegetation in regional landscapes. In: Pettit C, Cartwright W, Bishop I, Lowell K, Pullar D, Duncan D, editors. Landscape Analysis and Visualisation – Spatial Models for Natural Resource Management and Planning. Springer–Verlag GmbH, Berlin. In press.
- Lechner, AM, Jones SD, Bekessy SA (2008) A study on the impact of scale dependent factors on the classification of land-cover maps. In: Stein A, Shi J, Wietske B, editors. Quality Aspects in Spatial Data Mining. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.
- Lefroy EC (2008). Closing the adaptive management loop: why practical experience is necessary but not sufficient and science essential but not always right. In Biodiversity; Integrating Conservation and Production. (Eds Lefroy EC, Bailey K, Unwin G, Norton TW). CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood. ISBN: 9780643094581.
- Lefroy EC, Lloyd B and Bailey K (2008) The Tamar Principles. In: Biodiversity; Integrating Conservation and Production. (Eds Lefroy EC, Bailey K, Unwin G, Norton TW). CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood. ISBN: 9780643094581.
- Lefroy EC (2009) Agroforestry and the functional mimicry of natural ecosystems (Chapter 2) In: pp 23-33 I. Nuberg, B. George & R.Reid (eds) Agroforestry for natural resource management. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
- Race, D. (2009) Adoption of agroforestry in Australia (Chapter 19). In: pp 323-340 I. Nuberg, B. George & R.Reid (eds) Agroforestry for natural resource management. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
- Reinke, KJ & Jones SD (2009) 'Visualising environmental data', in Jones & Reinke, Innovations in remote sensing and photogrammetry (Lecture notes in Geoinformation and Cartography), 1st edn, Springer, Berlin (ISBN: 978-3-540-88265-7).
- Sheffield, K, Jones, S, Ferwerda, JG & Gibbons, P, Zerger, A (2009) 'Linking biological survey data to remote sensing datasets', in Jones & Reinke, Innovations in remote sensing and photogrammetry (Lecture notes in Geoinformation and Cartography), 1st edn, Springer, Berlin (ISBN: 978-3-540-88265-7).