Project 3 – Victorian Retrospective Study (Native Vegetation Condition)
Leader: Mr Adam Hood, Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne.
To investigate the impact of past management interventions on the extent and quality of native vegetation condition, initially in the Victorian partner CMA regions (Goulburn Broken, North Central and North East) and subsequently in Tasmania through Project 1.
- Improve decision making capacity of regional NRM bodies in the area of native vegetation management
- Improve the capacity to report on landscape scale change in native vegetation condition
- Develop new tools and models that will assist decision making and assessment processes
- Quantifying change: assessing the change in native vegetation extent and condition at landscape scale in study areas within the three Victorian CMA regions initially, and later in Tasmania through Project 1.
- Attribution: determining who (private, public, CMA, Landcare groups etc) and what (fencing, revegetation, changed grazing or fire regime, climate) has brought about this change.
- Analysis: identifying the relative impact of different activities and programs as a guide to the improved effectiveness of future investment; improved methods for evaluating and reporting on investment in native vegetation condition, and therefore potentially improving our understanding of the relationships between vegetation condition and other resource condition states such as water table height and soil salinity.
Outputs (what and when?)
- Evaluation of past intervention for environmental management (2010)
- Models and tools developed in conjunction with regional CMAs to assist with native vegetation condition assessment:
- A landscape sampling framework for vegetation condition change (2008)
- Spatial models and maps of vegetation condition change (2009)
- Better quality information on response to intervention for emerging markets (2010) 4. Publications, reports, training workshops and manuals (2008-2010)
Addresses Landscape Logic Outcome 1: Improved understanding of the effectiveness of past intervention
- Improved regional NRM ability to invest in the improvement of native vegetation condition
- Improved NRM capacity to credibly report on landscape scale change through the provision of new tools and models
External collaboration and links
This project is aware of 20 projects on closely related topics being currently run by Landscape Logic partner regions, and 12 projects independent of Landscape Logic partners in Victorian and nationally with which the investigators are aware and in contact. A full list is available in the full proposal.
Scoping Process (how did we get here?)
The research described here is in response to Victorian CMA partners expressing uncertainty about the impacts of their past investments aimed at improving the extent and condition of native vegetation. The decision to focus on native vegetation condition was developed through a process of discussions and workshops involving the Victorian CMA partners and Landscape Logic Projects 1, 3, 6 and 7 between August 2006 and February 2007. The Tasmanian NRM regions have also expressed strong interest in these research questions, and at the December 2006 workshop, Landscape Logic committed to holding a workshop as a precursor to Tasmanian research on the effectiveness of past intervention on native vegetation condition.
Click here to see the Project 3 Poster (pdf, July 2007).