Project 1 – Spatial database development and modelling
Leader: Prof. Tony Norton, Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research, UTAS Burnie.
To provide support for the Landscape Logic partnership in accessing, interpreting and using spatial information, including the establishment of a database.
- Develop a spatial database to provide support for Projects 2-7
- Carry out spatial modelling for Projects 2-7
- Develop new methods of spatial analysis to assist historic studies of change in native vegetation condition and water quality for Projects 2-7 and the related needs of the Landscape Logic partner CMOs in Tasmanian & Victoria
- Develop an on-line mapping tool for use by landholders and regional NRM staff in partnership with Project 7.
This project will develop, support and deliver new spatial coverages of biophysical, socio-economic and natural resource assets for the research teams and partner regions.
Outputs (what and when?)
- Spatial data for the design of landholder surveys of past management practices to inform the retrospective studies; spatial datasets of socio-economic and biophysical attributes to support social research including regional profiling, motivation, and incentive schemes (June 07–June 08 with Project 2, social research).
- Spatial and historical data and modelling tools to help selection of research sites; input data and new methods and tools to allow the modelling and monitoring of water bodies, land-water-nutrient interactions, estuaries and native vegetation community dynamics and condition (Dec 07 – Nov 09, with Projects 3 and 4)
- Spatial data for site selection and mapping of water-body properties, and data and tools for identifying functional response units relevant to sediment and nutrient fluxes within catchments (Dec 06 – Nov 09 with Project 4 and 5.)
- Spatial and historical data to evaluate assumptions and inter-relationships involved in the Decision Networks developed with the partner CMOs (Jun 07- Jun 09 with Project 6).
- Spatial data to support development of a new mapping tool (June 07 – Dec 09, with Project 7).
Addresses Landscape Logic Outcome 1: Improved understanding of the effectiveness of past intervention.
Scoping Process (how did we get here?)
Discussions were held with the partner institutions of Landscape Logic and the Project Leaders and Project staff to determine the spatial and historical data requirements of the proposed activities and to develop an understanding of the spatial modelling tools and spatial information that would enhance the current management activities of CMOs.
Click here to see the Spatial Database poster (pdf) and here to see what our PhD student is doing.