Collaborations between Landscape Logic and other CERF hubs
Economics Hub – Landscape Logic jointly funds a PhD student Marit Kragt, who is applying choice modeling to the question of how communities value water quality in the Georges River catchment in north-east Tasmania. For more on Marit's work see p.9 of the Dec '08 newsletter...
AEDA – Landscape Logic and AEDA are joint hosts of the 2009 Australian Academy of Science Fenner Conference on the Environment. [Conference website]
TRaCK – Research Fellow. Carmel Pollino. is carrying out modeling on the impacts of land-use and water quality on freshwater and estuarine biodiversity in both Landscape Logic and TRaCK.
INFFER – Geoff Park, leader of the Knowledge Broking project in Landscape Logic, is also part of the INFFER team (a CERF Significant project) lead by David Pannell.